Bash - Bourne again shell
Bash is the default shell of most Linux distros.
→ Go to the beginning of the lineCtrl
→ Go to the end of the lineAlt
→ Move cursor to the next wordAlt
→ Move cursor to the previous wordCtrl
→ Move cursor between the current position and the begining of the line
→ Cut line after cursor and copy it to the clipboardCtrl
→ Cut line before cursor and copy it to the clipboardCtrl
→ Paste what you have on the clipbaordCtrl
→ Undo your last key press
→ Kill the currently running commandCtrl
→ Exit the shellCtrl
→ Clear the screen (Same as theclear
→ Search backward through the history starting at the current lineAlt
→ Search forward through the history starting at the current lineCtrl
→ Open the history search
Install Bash-completion
Bash-completion helps you type commands faster and easiler.
# Ubuntu
sudo apt install bash-completion
# Rocky
sudo dnf install bash-completion
Press [TAB] when you type commands, for example:
sudo git [TAB]
sudo systemctl [TAB]
History search with arrow keys
You can enable arrow keys -- [Up] for backward and [Down] for forward --
for history search by these commands (You can put them in your .bashrc
bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'
Write a file in a script
Create a new file / Overwrite an existing file
## tee
tee /tmp/test.txt <<EOF
This is the 1st line
This is the 2nd line
# cat
cat <<EOF> /tmp/test.txt
This is the 1st line
This is the 2nd line
Append new lines
# tee
tee -a /tmp/test.txt <<EOF
This is the 3rd line
This is the 4th line
# cat
cat <<EOF>> /tmp/test.txt
This is the 3rd line
This is the 4th line
I prefer using tee
because tee
also prints these lines to stdout.
Array in Bash script
myArray=("cat" "dog" "mouse" "frog")
echo ${myArray[@]}
echo ${!myArray[@]}
for str in ${myArray[@]}; do
echo $str
for i in ${!myArray[@]}; do
echo "element $i is ${myArray[$i]}"
Make your bash script safer
set -euxo pipefail
→ Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.-u
→ Treat unset variables as an error when substituting.-x
→ Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.-o pipfail
→ The return value of a pipeline is the status of the last command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if no command exited with a non-zero status.
Get the directory path where a script is located
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"
echo "Script directory: $SCRIPT_DIR"