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· 4 min read
Koji Tanaka

Sorites Paradox

The word "supercomputer" is vague, like a heap of sand in Sorites Paradox.

A couple of hardware failure is not a big deal. A supercomputer is still a supercomputer. And, even if one-third of compute nodes were shut down because of the escalating energy cost, it would still be a supercomputer. What about losing half of the capacity? Where is the borderline between a supercomputer and a non-supercomputer?

Wikipedia: Sorites Paradox

Kanizsa triangle

Sometimes, what we see or perceive in life is not actually what is there.

The Kanizsa triangle is a classic optical illusion that consists of three pac-man-like shapes arranged in a triangle. Even though there isn't a triangle, our brain thinks there is.

Wikipedia: Illusory contours

Nelson Molina

Finding joy in day-to-day tasks would be more important than the technical skills on the resume. I found an interesting story about Nelson Molina, who worked as a sanitation worker for over 30 years in New York City.

"Nelson Molina spent 34 years as a garbage man in New York City. He salvaged over 50,000 items from the garbage and put them on display in what he calls a "secret museum" in Manhattan. He hopes the city will turn it into a real museum soon." -- CNN

Also, this YouTube video "Treasures in the Trash" from the 60 Second Docs is wonderful.


A few days ago, on a weekend, I was hanging out with my two kids around the village office, and there was a small group of people practicing Capoeira on the stage in the courtyard. They were playing unique instruments, singing, and dancing, but at the same time, simulating fights, which was eye-grabbing.

There was no audience except us(my kids and me), and we enjoyed watching it. I thought that the two elements(dance and martial art) are very different and combining these two have lead to a unique and innovative creation that naturally gets people together.


The term "FRC" in freediving stands for "functional residual capacity," which refers to the volume of air that remains in the lungs after a normal exhalation.


Python's enumerate() object is returned in a key-value pair format. The key is the corresponding index of each item and the value is the items.

>>> my_array = [ 'dog', 'cat', 'fox']
>>> print(list(enumerate(my_array)))
[(0, 'dog'), (1, 'cat'), (2, 'fox')]
>>> for n, item in enumerate(my_array):
... print(f'{str(n)} : {item}')
0 : dog
1 : cat
2 : fox

A binary number starts with 0b and a hex number starts with 0x.

>>> bin(28) # decimal to binary
>>> hex(28) # decimal to hex(hexadecimal)
>>> int('0b11100', 2) # binary to decimal
>>> int('0x1c', 16) # hex to decimal


Extract a specific file from a tar.gz file

# Print the list of the files in the tar.gz and find the path of the file
tar ztf data_a.tar.gz

# Extract the file
tar zxvf data_a.tar.gz data_a/datetime/data-1/data-1-a-b.tif

# Extract the directory
tar zxvf data_a.tar.gz data_a/datetime/data-1

# -x: instructs tar to extract files.
# -f: specifies filename / tarball name.
# -v: Verbose (show progress while extracting files).
# -z: filter archive through gzip, use to decompress .gz files.
# -t: List the contents of an archive


Print a matched line with a specific delimiter (e.g. ,)

# Check out the matched line
grep comp01-mg /etc/hosts comp01-mg

# Print the line as "ip,hostname,hostname.domain"
awk '/comp01-mg/ {print $1,$3,$2}' OFS="," /etc/hosts,comp01-mg,


"Access Error: 400 -- Bad Request."

Sometimes, iDRAC webui beomes inaccessible with FQDN, showing this error message, "Access Error: 400 -- Bad Request." It seems like a bug in a particular iDRAC version. Here's the workaround, which lets you manually set its FQDN.

racadm set idrac.webserver.ManualDNSentry \,hostname-mg,

# using the awk tip
racadm set idrac.webserver.ManualDNSentry \
$(awk '/comp01-mg/ {print $1,$3,$2}' OFS="," /etc/hosts)

· 2 min read
Koji Tanaka

Les Davis

"Seymour thought them up, and Les made them work," said former Cray CEO Rollwagen.

Seymour Cray is the pioneer, the genius, and the name of Cray Research, Inc. However, the engineer who has guided the company to keep producing successful supercomputers for years in the risky high-tech industry is Les Davis. He is the ultimate team builder who knows how to bring all the talent together to create excellent supercomputers.

Open this link for more about the interesting supercomputer history (PDF).

Potato vs sweet potato

Potato is a stem, and sweet potato is a root. Potato has eyes which develop into shoots. So potato has to produce poison in itself to protect shoots from bugs, while sweet potato doesn't have to.

I see it as a good analogy for career development. If you want to go up the ladder of success, you must develop poison in yourself to protect yourself. If you want to dig deep down into the technical adventure, it's dark and sweet.


Restore a directory from the backup data on the TSM

# Check if the directory is in the backup data
dsmc query backup /path/to/dir_a/

# Restore the directory to the current directory
dsmc restore -inactive -subdir=yes /path/to/dir_a/ $PWD/

# Check the restored directory
tree $PWD/dir_a


Search a file by a case-insensitive keyword

find /path/to/dir -type f -iname "*keyword*"


Set a different ssh private key for git

# In the config of the current git repo
git config core.sshCommand "ssh -i /path/to/new-key"
cat .git/config

# By the encironment variable
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i /path/to/new-key"


Check differences between two directories by the --dry-run, -n option

rsync -av --dry-run /path/to/dir_a/ /path/to/dir_b

# -n is the same (if you got used to the short expression)
rsync -avn /path/to/dir_a/ /path/to/dir_b


Remove the last comma(,) from "host01,host04,host07,"

echo "host01,host04,host07," |sed 's/.$//'


List the down and drained nodes

sinfo  -h -t down,drained -o "%n %E" |sort

# -h, --noheader
# -t, --states
# -o, --format

Create the list of drained nodes because of either "Kill task failed" or "batch job complete failure"

sinfo -h -t drained -o "%n %E" |sort |awk '/Kill task|batch job/ {print $1}' ORS="," |sed 's/.$//'

· 8 min read
Koji Tanaka

Lustre is a parallel distributed file system that's often used in supercomputers. It's a high performance file system, highly scalable, and free -- available under an open source license called GPL v2. If you're interested in supercomputers, Lustre will be one of the things you'd want to put together.

On this post, I'm going to write about how to install Lustre, using six CentOS 7 instances on AWS. This is not about testing Lustre's performance but about understanding the structure of Lustre by actually installing it, so AWS is a convenient platform to do that.

Here, I try my best to explain the Lustre structure with my testing setup. So look at the network diagram below.


Lustre file system is composed of three types of servers -- MGS(Management Server), MDS(Metadata Server) and OSS(Object Storage Server).

First, look at the MGS. The MGS provides configuration informantion and status updates of all the other servers to all the clients and servers. Those pieces of information and logs are stored in MGT(Management Terget). I will create the MGT on /dev/xvdb of the MGS.

Next is the MDS. It provides the index(or namespace) for the Lustre file system. The file metadata -- such as directory structures and file names, permissions and layouts -- are recorded on the MDT(Metadata Terget). In the example, the MDT is made on /dev/xvdb of the MDS.

Then, look at the OSS 1, OSS 2 and OSS 3. They are Object Storage Servers, which provide the data storage for all file contents. Those data are stored on OSTs(Object Storage Tergets) -- /dev/xvdb and /dev/xvdc on the OSSs in my example.

The Client mounts the Lustre file system on a directory -- /lustrefs in this example -- and uses it like a NFS mounted directory that has high-performance capabilities. In a supercomputer, there are usually a lot of compute nodes -- the hosts on the internal network of a supercomputer are referred to as "nodes", and those nodes become Lustre clients. I have only one client in my example just because I want to simplify the process. So imagine there are a lot of client nodes in a real-world Lustre setup.

Build The Base Part of All Nodes

As I previously explained, hosts in the internal network of a supercomputer are called as "nodes", so I call hosts nodes. Also, to simplify the process, I assume every step is done by root account.

To start the installation, add these nodes on /etc/hosts of all nodes. The node names are all lower-case letters with no space, and the /etc/hosts looks like this:   localhost localhost.localdomain client mgs mds oss1 oss2 oss3

NOTE: You have to update /etc/hosts of all the nodes.

Next, install EPEL and ZFS repositories, and also install Chrony. (Chrony is a NTP implementation. You can also use ntp instead.):

yum -y install epel-release
rpm -ivh
yum -y install chrony
systemctl start chronyd
systemctl enable chronyd

NOTE: It is important to have the correct time on all nodes.

Set the timezone if needed. It's Asia/Tokyo in my case, and you can set it by timedatectl command like this:

timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo

Create the Lustre repository configuration file /etc/yum.repos.d/lustre.repo and put the follows in it:

name=CentOS-$releasever - Lustre

name=CentOS-$releasever - Ldiskfs

name=CentOS-$releasever - Lustre

Install the latest Lustre-enabled kernel and the Lustre client on all nodes:

yum -y install e2fsprogs \
lustre-client \
kernel-3.10.0-514.21.1.el7_lustre.x86_64 \
kernel-devel-3.10.0-514.21.1.el7_lustre.x86_64 \

Now you need to reboot all the nodes to boot the nodes with the Lustre-enabled kernel.

Setup LNET Module on Servers(MGS, MDS and OSSs)

Create a modeprobe configuration file for the LNet -- /etc/modprobe.d/lnet.conf -- and set the networks parameter as tcp0(eth0). Basically, you just need this one line on the file:

options lnet networks=tcp0(eth0)

LNet is Lustre's network communicatoin protocol. The option networks=tcp0(eth0) means that the node belongs to the LNet named tcp0 using the network interface eth0.

Load the LNET module manually with modprobe command like this:

modprobe lnet

Make sure the LNET module is loaded:

lsmod | grep lnet

To automatically load the LNet modules at boot, create /etc/sysconfig/modules/lnet.modules and put the following script in the file:


if [ ! -c /dev/lnet ] ; then
exec /sbin/modprobe lnet >/dev/null 2>&1

Setup Lustre Module on Client

Load the Lustre module with modprobe command like this:

modprobe lustre

Check if the Lustre module is loaded:

lsmod | grep lustre

To automatically load the Lustre module at boot, create /etc/sysconfig/modules/lustre.modules with the script below:


/sbin/lsmod | /bin/grep lustre 1>/dev/null 2>&1
if [ ! $? ] ; then
/sbin/modprobe lustre >/dev/null 2>&1

Now you're ready to create a Lustre file system.

Create Lustre File System

Now your nodes are ready to create a Lustre file system.

Create MGT on MGS:

ssh root@mgs
mkfs.lustre --mgs /dev/xvdb
mkdir /mgt
mount.lustre /dev/xvdb /mgt

Create MDT on MDS:

ssh root@mds
mkfs.lustre --fsname=lustrefs --mgsnode=mgs@tcp0 \
--mdt --index=0 /dev/xvdb
mkdir /mdt
mount.lustre /dev/xvdb /mdt

Create OST 1 and OST 2 on OSS 1:

ssh root@oss1
mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname=lustrefs --mgsnode=mgs@tcp0 \
--index=1 /dev/xvdb
mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname=lustrefs --mgsnode=mgs@tcp0 \
--index=2 /dev/xvdc
mkdir /ost1
mkdir /ost2
mount.lustre /dev/xvdb /ost1
mount.lustre /dev/xvdc /ost2

Create OST 3 and OST 4 on OSS 2:

ssh root@oss2
mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname=lustrefs --mgsnode=mgs@tcp0 \
--index=3 /dev/xvdb
mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname=lustrefs --mgsnode=mgs@tcp0 \
--index=4 /dev/xvdc
mkdir /ost3
mkdir /ost4
mount.lustre /dev/xvdb /ost3
mount.lustre /dev/xvdc /ost4

Create OST 5 and OST 6 on OSS 3:

ssh root@oss3
mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname=lustrefs --mgsnode=mgs@tcp0 \
--index=5 /dev/xvdb
mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname=lustrefs --mgsnode=mgs@tcp0 \
--index=6 /dev/xvdc
mkdir /ost5
mkdir /ost6
mount.lustre /dev/xvdb /ost5
mount.lustre /dev/xvdc /ost6

Mount Lustre file system on Client

mkdir /lustrefs
mount -t lustre mgs@tcp0:/lustrefs /lustrefs

Check the file system

From the client node, you can check the status with lfs command.

Check /lustrefs:

df -h /lustrefs
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 56G 223M 53G 1% /lustrefs

Check servers:

lfs check servers
lustrefs-MDT0000-mdc-ffff88003bfbd000 active.
lustrefs-OST0001-osc-ffff88003bfbd000 active.
lustrefs-OST0002-osc-ffff88003bfbd000 active.
lustrefs-OST0003-osc-ffff88003bfbd000 active.
lustrefs-OST0004-osc-ffff88003bfbd000 active.
lustrefs-OST0005-osc-ffff88003bfbd000 active.
lustrefs-OST0006-osc-ffff88003bfbd000 active.

Check the file system:

lfs df -h
UUID bytes Used Available Use% Mounted on
lustrefs-MDT0000_UUID 5.6G 45.8M 5.0G 1% /lustrefs[MDT:0]
lustrefs-OST0001_UUID 9.2G 37.1M 8.7G 0% /lustrefs[OST:1]
lustrefs-OST0002_UUID 9.2G 37.1M 8.7G 0% /lustrefs[OST:2]
lustrefs-OST0003_UUID 9.2G 37.1M 8.7G 0% /lustrefs[OST:3]
lustrefs-OST0004_UUID 9.2G 37.1M 8.7G 0% /lustrefs[OST:4]
lustrefs-OST0005_UUID 9.2G 37.1M 8.7G 0% /lustrefs[OST:5]
lustrefs-OST0006_UUID 9.2G 37.1M 8.7G 0% /lustrefs[OST:6]

filesystem_summary: 55.3G 222.9M 52.0G 0% /lustrefs

If the outputs look good, you're good to go for testing Lustre. Here's a quick test:

[root@client ~]# for aa in {1..5}; do dd if=/dev/zero of=/lustrefs/file$aa bs=4k iflag=fullblock,count_bytes count=1G; done
[root@client ~]# df -h /lustrefs
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 56G 5.3G 47G 10% /lustrefs
[root@client ~]# lfs df -h
UUID bytes Used Available Use% Mounted on
lustrefs-MDT0000_UUID 5.6G 45.8M 5.0G 1% /lustrefs[MDT:0]
lustrefs-OST0001_UUID 9.2G 1.0G 7.7G 12% /lustrefs[OST:1]
lustrefs-OST0002_UUID 9.2G 37.1M 8.7G 0% /lustrefs[OST:2]
lustrefs-OST0003_UUID 9.2G 2.0G 6.6G 23% /lustrefs[OST:3]
lustrefs-OST0004_UUID 9.2G 1.0G 7.7G 12% /lustrefs[OST:4]
lustrefs-OST0005_UUID 9.2G 37.1M 8.7G 0% /lustrefs[OST:5]
lustrefs-OST0006_UUID 9.2G 1.0G 7.6G 12% /lustrefs[OST:6]


Build and Install Lustre from Source Code

sed -i '/^SELINUX=/s/.*/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/config
yum groupinstall "Development tools"
yum -y install epel-release

yum -y install xmlto asciidoc elfutils-libelf-devel zlib-devel \
libyaml-devel kernel-devel binutils-devel newt-devel \
python-devel hmaccalc perl-ExtUtils-Embed bison \
elfutils-devel audit-libs-devel python-docutils \
sg3_utils expect attr lsof quilt libselinux-devel \
e2fsprogs e2fsprogs-devel
yum -y install --enablerepo=base-debuginfo kernel-debuginfo kernel-debuginfo-common

git clone git://
cd lustre-release
sh ./
./configure --with-linux=/usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)
make rpms
yum -y install *.$(arch).rpm


When you use InfiniBand, /etc/modprobe.d/lnet.conf should be like below. The ib0 in the config is the ib interface you want to use.

options lnet networks=o2ib0(ib0)


I used block devices for MGT, MDT and OSTs in the example, but in a production setup, you need to have those on RAID because you don't want to cause data loss.

HA(High Availability) for MGS and MDS

The MGS and MDS are so important. So making an extra effort to setup HA is required for a production.

Lustre Tuning

Many options in Lustre are set as kernel module parameters. Go check out this link -- Lustre Tuning.
